If we thus acted, we should proceed from observation and experience, and should, for instance, say we habitually employ the term 'force' in such a case, and such a meaning. 因为如果这样做,我们就会从观察和经验出发,例如,这样说:“力”这个范畴有效,是由于我们习惯于在某种情形下和在某种意义下使用力这个词。
You need to specify a valid data source before you can proceed. The phrase "To be handled only upon complaint" in this law refers to handling a case only when the victim files a complaint. 必须指定一个有效的数据源才能继续。本法所称告诉才处理,是指被害人告诉才处理。
Her attorney had argued that it was unfair to proceed against Palfrey because her assets remain seized in a civil forfeiture case, meaning she lacks the money to hire an attorney of her choice. 她的代理人有主张对骑用的马提出告诉是不公平的因为她资产保持抓住在一个市民的丧失情形,意义她缺乏钱到租金她的代理人选择。
At the same time, China holds that preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons should not proceed without due regard for the just rights and interests of all countries in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, particularly in the case of developing countries. 中国同时认为,防止核扩散不能无视各国、特别是广大发展中国家和平利用核能的正当权益和要求。
In order to make it sure that the right case must be filed, the procuratorial organs need to proceed a series of inquisition work in filling a case supervision. 检察机关在立案监督中,为确定案件是否属于应当立案,需要进行一系列的调查工作。
The main research in this thesis is how to proceed the venture business enterprise Value evaluation, and regard the index sign's system as to guide the counterplan of the follow-up management in business venture enterprise, anglicizing with actual case. 本论文主要研究风险企业进行价值评价,并以该指标体系为指导,提出风险企业后续管理的相应对策,并结合实际案例分析。
The incidence rate of acute radioactive pneumonia was 23.9% ( 17/ 71) and occurred in 3~ 6 weeks when radiotherapy proceed ( usually degree I and II, degree III in one case). 急性放射性肺炎发生率23.9%(17/71),多于放疗开始后3~6周急性发生,多为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,Ⅲ级1例,对症治疗后好转。
This text divided four parts to proceed the treatise to the public-spirited litigant and concrete problem in civil case. 本文分四个部分对民事公益诉讼的具体问题进行了论述。